Thursday 10 December 2009

Personal Identity - Body or Mind?

In the film 'Avatar' (soon to be at cinemas) the plot involves a technology which allows human 'drivers' to have their consciousness linked remotely to an avatar, a remotely controlled biological body.


A similar theme is explored in another of this years films, 'Surrogates' where 'People are living their lives remotely from the safety of their own homes via robotic surrogates -- sexy, physically perfect mechanical representations of themselves.'


  1. How important is the body for our personal identity?
  2. What is it of 'us' that is living through these avatars?
  3. Is there any reason not to abandon our original bodies entirely and live through more appealing avatars if that were possible?
  4. In a way this already happens through virtual online worlds such as Second Life and through the 'version' of yourself you present in online environments. How much does old fashioned bodily interaction matter when the mind can seemingly go much further?