Monday 18 October 2010

Sterilisation of drug addicts for cash

Drug addicts in the UK are being offered £200 to agree to be permanently sterilised and unable to ever have children.

Watch this BBC video

The controversial American charity - Project Prevention - was set up by Barbara Harris, from North Carolina, who adopted four children born of a crack addict mother.

"I got very angry about the damage that these drugs do to these children"
"I was angry at the mum, And then my anger turned a little bit to where why did we allow her to do that?"
"Typically I just say to my critics: 'If you believe these women should continue to take drugs and have children, then step up in line and adopt their babies.' It's that simple."

What do you think?
  • Do you agree, should we support a scheme aimed at stopping babies suffering by being born as addicts, to addict parents and most likely ending up in care?
  • Or do you disagree, that such a scheme does not consider the addict or that they may 'get clean' and then not be able to have children. Does it manipulte people at their most vulnerable when they need help?
  • Some have called Barbara Harris essentially 'Nazi' in her approach. Why is this and is it a fair comparison?


Anonymous said...

this sounds very cruel, But at least it isn't being forced on them, it is optional. Don't get me wrong I actually think this is a good idea but the money involved makes it sound like a back door eugenics program. Major plus side is that adicts that don't want children wont have to have children, or pay for contraception, so they can't screw them up.

BroKeN_LoGiK said...

I like it, good morals and decisive action. I think it could be incredibly effective but giving addicts seems a bad idea- surely another system of payment (food stmps or similar)...

The Philosophy Team said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

needlejet - nice focus on issues of choice and personal freedom. This campaign can be forcefully argued for AND against using the points you raise.

BroKeN_LoGiK - good suggestion that maybe money isn't the best 'offering,' something more constructive / long term would demonstrate greater concern for the addicts too.